Favorite Banker

The Houston Treasury Management Association has a long tradition of presenting a local banker with HTMA’s coveted Favorite Banker Award every year. This year, HTMA, as host chapter of TEXPO 2024, and the other regional AFPs have decided to add Favorite Banker Awards at the regional level, with the presentation to be made at TEXPO.

We are asking registered TEXPO 2024 attendees to nominate their Favorite Banker. This is your chance to recognize your Favorite Banker for going above and beyond for his or her clients! Please provide the name of your banker (along with bank name, phone number and e-mail address) and a description of why they are your Favorite Banker.

The TEXPO planning committee and the regional AFPs will select several Favorite Bankers, who will be recognized at TEXPO with an award and presentation.

The HTMA also has a Favorite Bankers Hall of Fame, which includes those who have been honored with the Favorite Banker Award at least 6 times. HTMA bestows upon Hall of Famers a green jacket with seal (like the Masters) for the gentleman and a shawl with embroidery for the ladies. The Hall of Famers will be invited to attend the awards presentation at TEXPO as well.

Nominations will close on Saturday, March 16th, 2024.

Favorite Banker

  • You must be registered for TEXPO® 2024 Houston to nominate your favorite banker.
  • You must be a Treasury Practitioner.
  • Banker must be currently practicing in the industry.

Your Personal Information

Present at Awards Cermonies

Banker Information (Nominee)

Please limit your nomination description to 100 words or less.