Among their many and diverse responsibilities, governmental and municipal treasury leaders are charged with overseeing investment of their city’s public funds, from tax revenues, bond proceeds, to Federal Funds in accordance with investment policies and PFIA (Public Fund Investment Act). Municipal treasury leaders are expected to maximize interest earned on investments of public funds while keeping the three main goals of any public investment policy: Safety, Liquidity, and Yield. Using the old adage risk vs. return and in this interest-rate rich environment, governmental / municipal treasury leaders should be encouraged / empowered to capitalize on their assets and maximize investments and their returns to the entity and ultimately to the entity’s employees and residents through capital projects and development. Learn from treasury leaders from the top four largest cities in Texas – Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin – how through close management of public funds, and compliant, yet creative and thoughtful investment approach, they maximize returns to their Cities while also navigating new legislative laws.

  1. Best practices for safeguarding public funds in current climate
  2. Best practices for investing public funds in accordance with investment policy and PFIA economic environment
  3. Considerations for re-drafting investment policies