Session 04

X - Executive, A - Advanced, I - Intermediate, B – Basic, G - GTOT Credit
CTP Preparatory Sessions are not available for CTP or FPAC credit.
*Presentation downloads are only available in the App, due to image copyright.


The Great Exodus of Treasury Talent – Preparing the New Generation (I)
Getting Hosed by Check Fraud?  Stop the Washing, and Shift Liability with Check 21 (I) (G)
Cash Flow Forecasting (A) (G)
Cybersecurity Education and Risk Mitigation for Financial Services Professionals (B)
Here comes the recession – Has the Fed gone too far? (A) (E) (G)
On Cloud API (I)
How To Solve the Unsolvable Within Treasury, Accelerating Revenue to the Bottom Line (B)
CTP – Session 4 – Mastering CTP (ETM7) Materials (B)
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