Session 06

X - Executive, A - Advanced, I - Intermediate, B – Basic, G - GTOT Credit
CTP Preparatory Sessions are not available for CTP or FPAC credit.
*Presentation downloads are only available in the App, due to image copyright.


Cyber State of the Union: Unveiling Modern Threats and Defense Strategies in Banking (I) (G)
Will your bank swipe right? How to make your company the most attractive to your bank. (A)
Alternative Funding Solutions in Today’s Economy (I)
Managing Cash on the Peak of Mount Rates (I) (G)
Navigating Tomorrow: Future-Proofing Cash Management (A)
Lessons learned from successful bank integrations (I)
Escape From Bank Portal Hell: How To Streamline Cash Visibility And Payments With Automated Multibank Connectivity (I)
CTP – Session 6 – Mastering CTP (ETM7) Materials (B)
Coming Soon!

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